Call the Tooth Fairy!
Have you lost your baby teeth? Humans have smaller teeth when they are young. When you get older, you lose your baby teeth and larger adult teeth grow in.
Humans aren’t the only animals with baby teeth. Many animals get larger teeth as they grow. Cats and dogs are two animals that lose baby teeth.
In dogs and cats, baby teeth are called milk teeth.
Cats lose their milk teeth when they are between 3 and 6 months old. Dogs lose their milk teeth when they are between 3 and 7 months old.
Just like in humans, the dogs and cats use their adult teeth for the rest of their lives. If you have a dog or cat, you should take it to the veterinarian at least once a year. Veterinarians are doctors that help animals. A veterinarian will check your pet’s teeth and help you keep your animal healthy.
Fun fact:
Animals that grow two pairs of teeth during their lives are called diphyodont (pronounced die-fie-o-dont). Like many scientific words, the word diphyodont comes from the Greek language. In Greek, “di” means two, “phy” means to grow, and “dont” means teeth. Put together, the word means “grows two teeth.”